No Pillow Method


In 2019 I started finding pillows very uncomfortable. The way they pressed into my eyes was the most annoying part, followed by the pressure on my ears. I tried some weird shit like one time I was in a hotel and I put the room key under my eye, separating it from the pillow in an attempt to relieve the pressure. That shit didn't work. I also tried different shaped pillows, like a little mini one that came with a sleeping bag, and one with a hole cut for your ear. Neither of those worked. The real solution is to GET RID OF THE PILLOW. Nowadays I sleep without a pillow. It's just a mattress and that's it. I don't put my hands under my head.

To be clear, here's the full guide to sleeping:
  • Don't use a pillow
  • Lay on your side and let your head rest on the mattress. Don't try to support your head with your hands.
  • Hands go out in front of your body.

  • You must lay on your side to sleep. It's been shown sleeping on your back is terrible for your health and can induce snoring, sleep paralysis, all that nasty shit.
    The benefit of the NoPillowMethod is that instead of your sensitive ear and eye holding up the weight of your head, it's held up by the hard part of your head above your ear contacting the mattress.