

Been a while. Doing a lot better. I've come to think a large part of my problems stem from poor digestion. I have identified a set of trigger foods that seem to cause bloating, poor digestion and brainfog: Wheat, Oats, Soy and Nightshades. I avoid these completely. Instead, for starch I eat corn grits, brown rice and bananas. For protein I eat mainly lentils cooked with iodized salt, but sometimes canned, non-soy beans. Plenty of sunflower seeds and almonds, some walnuts and the occasional avocado. Making sure to chew everything really well. Also I try to get cooked collard greens or kale, and some cooked carrots, ideally every day. Also I've been getting out in the 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM range every day for at least 30 minutes trying to soak up sun while walking. I try to stay out walking for more like 90 minutes, since they say that makes you live longer. Now that the sun is coming out more it seems to be healing me a lot. Also there may be some wisdom in the phrase "touch grass": this guy says grounding has a lot of benefits. I'm thinking instead of taking my shoes off in a public park I can just reach down and touch the ground with my bare hands for a while.

When you cut all meat, dairy, eggs and fish out of your diet, you need to make sure you get enough iodine from other sources, namely iodized salt and seaweed. Veggie sushi is a fun option. Also the DHA and EPA concentrated in fish from micro-algae are hard for your body to produce from ALA, so it's best to take an algae-derived DHA+EPA supplement.

My digestion seems to be supercharged while laying down. When I stand up it stops working as well. Anyways I also got a thin (2 inch) mattress on the floor that's helping me to sleep a lot better. I like laying down and listening to Manly P. Hall recordings.