


I don't know if I'll ever be the same. Things were starting to go downhill with my brainfog and I decided that the problem was that I wasn't eating enough in the day. I was worried about arsenic in rice once again, and decided to eat mass quantities of oats starting 6/12/24, thinking I only had a problem with wheat. After 4 days of that, I started waking up with numbness and tingling in my shins, and feeling very weird, almost like a blood sugar imbalance, sweating, needing to go outside and walk. Insanity, looking at that fucker Markus Rothkranz on youtube thinking his presentation style was so fucking creepy and weird. I seemed to be holding things together but simultaneously losing grip.

I am a fucking idiot and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself. I want to give a full writeup but it feels like I'm talking to the void.